Celebrate Dublin Writers

Discover These Sites That Celebrate Dublin Writers

By: TravelingwithMJ.com

Dublin has been home to some of the most influential writers in history, many of whom have helped shape the literary world as we know it today.

Dublin has been a center of literary activity for centuries, producing some of Ireland’s most famous writers.

Dublin has lots to offer book lovers.

Becoming Literary Dublin: The City of Literature

The city is home to four Nobel Laureates in Literature; George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950), Seamus Heaney (1939–2013), Samuel Beckett (1906-1989), and William Butler Yates (1865-1939).

Statue of George Bernard Shaw at The National Gallery

Dublin literary museums worth  a visit.

Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI) James Joyce Centre and Martello Tower (James Joyce Tower)

The Grand Canal was the inspiration for many writers in Dublin

Dublin literary museums worth  a visit.

Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI) James Joyce Centre and Martello Tower (James Joyce Tower)

Learn More about Literary Dublin

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