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Try Glamping Hub for Offbeat Luxury Accommodations

When you think about camping, your mind probably conjures up images of roughing it in the wild, having no running water or electricity, putting up with all kinds of beastly creatures, and living with just the basic essentials. Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a good time to me! It does not have to be that way, though. That’s why glamping has taken off in popularity in recent years and has massively changed the camping industry; now it is possible to have the full camping experience while still living in a high level of luxury. And I should point out that glamping turns camping into more than huddling in a tent – it’s now about offbeat accommodations with a full range of amenities. Continue reading for our experience using Glamping Hub for a stay on the Long Beach Peninsula. What Is […]

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Do You Have Good Work/Life Balance?

So, you’ve finally taken your vacation days. You’ve rented a condo on a sugar-sand beach in the Caribbean. The family just ran down to the water’s edge to look for shells. Then they’re going to walk up to the beach shack for cold drinks and maybe spend some hardcore time hanging in a hammock slung between a couple of palm trees. Or going SUPing. And you? You’re holed up in the condo, checking your work email, texting your friend, or banging out a report on your laptop that your boss suddenly realized was imperative…right now. You’re not working on your tan or clearing out your mind or enjoying your vacation with your family. Being always connected to the internet, consuming digital media, texting friends and colleagues, or checking some app for the latest news or trend has become a modern […]

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Competitours: Adventure Travel for Real People

Long before I adopted the phrase “value luxury” I intuitively knew what it meant. It sums up my travel ethos completely – learning when to splurge and when to save – and over the years I’ve refined it a bit more by saying it’s luxury for real people, not people with private yachts and celebrity friends. Travelers define luxury in different ways. For some, it’s a hotel room with a view and for others, it’s dinner at a Michelin-star restaurant. For some, it’s a trip to a hard to get to country and for others, it’s lying on a beach and reading a good book. For some, it’s a cruise and for others, it’s getting to one more country on an itinerary. What’s important to one traveler is not the same as what’s important to another. That’s why it’s often […]

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You’ll Never Want to Leave: Downtown Napa

Located on the banks of the Napa River, downtown Napa has evolved from a small, sleepy town into a vibrant community full of upscale hotels, wine tasting rooms, and restaurants to meet every palate preference. There are downtown parks, outdoor art installations and art walks, markets full of local fare, and some of the friendliest Californians you’ll ever run into. And they do it all with a casual flair that feels down-home rather than pretentious. I spent some time in downtown Napa with some gal pals, soaking up some of the best it had to offer and had such a great time that I never wanted to leave. In fact, I’ve decided to plan a return trip, this time taking Tony along, as I know it’s the type of getaway he enjoys. I think you’ll enjoy it too! Note: This trip […]

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You’ll Never Want to Leave: Opryland, Tennessee

It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to check off a visit to a new state, so heading off to [amazon_textlink asin=’B01DWX7I6U’ text=’Tennessee’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’travelingwithmj-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a3fca189-51ab-11e8-afb0-85b8af461d7a’] was something I was looking forward to. We packed our bags, grabbed a guidebook, and headed off for a long weekend at Opryland. Opryland once referred to the Opryland USA, a theme park beloved by locals, some of whom claim to this day that it is their all-time favorite. The theme park closed in 1997 and was demolished. Today the phrase Opryland refers to the larger geographical area that includes the Opryland Resort & Convention Center, the Opry Mills shopping mall, and the Grand Ole Opry House. Our weekend at Opryland was a feast of music, food, and drink with a little relaxation thrown in. We had such a great time that we […]

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Getaway to Universal Studios Hollywood

Heading to Universal Studios Hollywood during summer vacation was a frightening idea. The crowds, the lines, the mass of humanity crowded together pushing and shoving! But summer was the only time I could schedule a getaway to celebrate the 13th birthday for a family member. I set out to find a way to make it work both for the new teenager and for me. Here’s what I did as well as tips and recommendations for your own trip. Note:  This article was written in collaboration with who asked me to share my personal getaway guide to Universal Studios.  Choosing Your Dates Summer is vacation time, so there are a lot more people at Universal, and my top recommendation for timing is to go off-season, during the week while kids are in school, and to avoid weekends and holiday seasons. That […]

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