Blog Archives

Green with Envy: An 8-Day Ireland Itinerary With Globus

Planning an 8-day Ireland itinerary might sound overwhelming. There are so many great places to see in Ireland, but you can’t see the entire country in a week. The best option is to pick an area to enjoy and dig in a little deeper with your experiences and activities. If you’re at all like me, you’ll fall in love with Ireland and want to return again and again (this was my fourth visit to Ireland). It’s a magical land filled with natural landscapes, centuries-old buildings, castles, world-class pubs, and warm hospitality. Let’s not forget the folklore and traditions found nowhere else in the world, because I’m choosing to believe in fairies and leprechauns. Globus’s Green with Envy tour is a good introduction to Ireland. It covers some of the most iconic landmarks, as well as takes you to some historic and […]

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Irish Soda Bread: A Traditional Irish Recipe

On my recent trip to Dublin, part of a paid partnership with Globus Journeys, I had the opportunity to take a cooking class – one of my favorite things to do when I travel. The cooking choice – well, actually it was baking, as you’ll learn below – is part of their Choice Touring program. You might not realize why a tour adds so much to the Irish experience, but it does. My tour choice in Westport, County Mayo, was to take a baking class. I love taking cooking classes when I travel. There’s a bonding that happens over sharing food and, if I’m lucky, I find recipes that I can make again when I’m at home. When I can’t take a class, I take note of what I’m eating and drinking and still try to make it at home […]

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Literary Dublin: Discover These Sites That Celebrate Dublin Writers

Dublin has been home to some of the most influential writers in history, many of whom have helped shape the literary world as we know it today.  Iconic novelists such as James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift, and Bram Stoker once called this Irish capital home. Literary Dublin was also home to Samuel Beckett, known for his theatrical work, and poet William Butler Yates, one of the most prominent figures in 20th-century literature.  Dublin is, unsurprisingly, full of literary attractions, from world-renowned museums to former literary hangouts tucked away in the backstreets. Green with Envy On my recent trip to Dublin, part of a paid partnership with Globus Journeys, I had the opportunity to learn and experience literary Dublin as part of their Choice Touring program. Choice Touring has been designed to provide a general group framework, and within that, options […]

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Jordan Travel Tips: 9 Things I Didn’t Know Until I Got There

Before every vacation, I love researching places and learning about all the destinations, their history, and the attractions. I try to find a book or two about or set in the destination (I start this process as soon as the trip is booked so that I have lots of time before I arrive on-site). I start reading guides and blog posts from my cadre of trusted sites. I set up a Pinterest board to keep track of the things I deem important, the photos that capture my attention, and I compile information that would make a data nerd proud. Without proper preparation and some research, you could find yourself in difficult situations or end up missing some hidden gems. So it’s smart to do it. But no matter how much research I do, I love the serendipity that happens while […]

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Visiting Mount Nebo, Jordan 

Mount Nebo is a lesser-known, but still a very important historical landmark in Jordan. The mountain has a major biblical significance to the people of Jordan and Israel as the religious site is said to be the place where Moses looked towards The Promised Land before he died upon the mountain top. Mount Nebo is an important stop on a visit to Jordan and I was glad to see it on my itinerary. With views overlooking the Dead Sea, Jeremiah, and even Jerusalem, this important historical site is also an area of outstanding natural beauty. Though today the mountain peak is a tourist attraction with an admission fee, the religious connections are felt by most who visit here. It is a popular pilgrimage site for many religious devotees, and even though I don’t consider myself a religious person, I couldn’t […]

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Review of Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite with Globus Travel

Situated deep in the Sierra National Forest, and completely surrounded by a wilderness of breathtaking beauty, Tenaya Lodge is less than three miles from the southern park entrance to Yosemite National Park, and less than 16 miles from beautiful Bass Lake. Whether you’re into energetic outdoor activities like hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding among ancient giant redwoods, kayaking, ice skating, or prefer something more sedate like taking in the scenery of soaring granite monoliths, spectacular waterfalls, and the deep valleys of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, Tenaya Lodge is one of the best hotels for you to stay in. While it has all these activities – and more – it’s also perfect if you want to just relax and unwind. I did a lot of both – activities and relaxation – on a recent tour with Globus Journeys. Note that […]

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Magical Mono Lake Tufa Tower Formations

Famous for its dramatic and bizarre rock formations, known as the tufa towers, Mono Lake is a stunning nature reserve in California. As a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, birdwatchers, and photographers, the lake offers visitors peace and serenity, right along with its unique landscape and outdoor recreation. If you’ve spent some time in Yosemite and have been awed by all the impressive natural wonders there, then you’ll certainly want to take a quick trip over to Mono County to marvel at the tufa tower formations.  We visited Mono Lake and the tufa towers as part of a paid partnership with Globus Journeys. I visited Mono Lake as part of a paid partnership project with Globus Journeys and iambassador. Globus offers a new type of group tour – Choice Touring – which has been designed to give participants the advantages of a group tour while […]

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An Unforgettable Wild-West Experience: Bodie Ghost Town

If you’re thinking of visiting Bodie Ghost Town, you are in for a treat! The town is one of the best-preserved, historic towns from the era of the wild, wild west. Whether you’re visiting nearby Mono Lake for a look at the tufa or exploring the world-famous Yosemite National Park, a day trip to Bodie State Historic Park is worth adding to your itinerary. I visited Bodie as part of a paid partnership project with Globus Journeys. Globus offers a new type of group tour – Choice Touring – which has been designed to give participants the advantages of a group tour while still allowing for individual independence and flexibility. Our 9-day tour, California Dream’: Northern California by Design, started and ended in San Francisco. In between, we visited Sausalito, Sonoma, Sacramento, Lake Taho, Mammoth Lakes, and Yosemite National Park, […]

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6 Products for Self-Care at Home and For Travel

I don’t know whether it’s because of inactivity or advancing years, but it seems the everyday aches and pains are a little more prevalent these days. We’re sheltering at home, enjoying the things we can do while in self-quarantine and unable to travel, and focusing on keeping a positive attitude about things. But there’s no doubt, I’m feeling in need of a little self-care these days. Since many of my usual self-items are not possible during our current situation – manicure, pedicure, hair cut, massage – I’m developing a keen sense of what soothes my spirit on a DIY basis. While a relaxing bubble bath, a good book, and a glass of wine are always delightful ways to relax, sometimes I need something a little more targeted.  No self-care will take the place of medical advice, so call your physician […]

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